This will probably be my last set of pictures. It has been a lot of fun collecting these for such an appreciative audience.
Note the creative use of safety pins in #5. We saw several examples of this.
This will probably be my last set of pictures. It has been a lot of fun collecting these for such an appreciative audience.
Note the creative use of safety pins in #5. We saw several examples of this.
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It was only later when I was looking through the days "catch" of candid pictures when realized I had captured this exchange between the master street fashion photographer and his subject. At the time I was just getting a photographer in action and some colorful leggings.
And just in case anyone hasn't heard of Bill, here is the documentary you need.
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I only had a few minutes between shows to sneak in some pictures of the crowd. Luckily, you can point your camera in almost any direction and someone interesting walks into the frame.
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Most of these were taken while waiting to enter Custo Barcelona. Of course, I am picking shots based on what is interesting or different. There are plenty of people who look pretty normal, if a bit dressed up. It is great how people here are getting into the spirit of the occasion.
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The fourth day of fashion week, but our 3rd day because Angie took Saturday off for the YLF gathering.
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These were taken while waiting in line. Time passes pretty quickly with this kind of visual feast passing by.
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A few photos I took while Angie was at the BCBG show.
Photographers were lining up to take Angie's photo outside the entrance, but I'm not going to give that away before the outfit post tomorrow. ;-)
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Guess who is packing for New York Fashion Week in the other room? I snuck in these photos and announced that I'm posting them. Partly because I wanted to put something in the new Fashion Week forum category, but also because the colours are cool and I think Angie's super organized packing process is something to behold.
When I took these photos the outfits were being assembled. It won't be very long before the entire 10 day trip is mapped out in ensembles (contingencies too). It is all informed by and there is nothing written down, anywhere.
BTW, these photos (and others that I take when in NYC) should also appear in the NYFW page:
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We're off to Fashion Week. I will be posting some of our photos in this thread as we go along.
The most recent of these photos will appear on the front page.
Don't let that stop you from posting though. Only my photos will be pulled into the feature.
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Hi, I'm Greg. I design and build I also do our photography and this blog is where I will post interesting photos that don't make it onto YLF.