As Angie mentioned in today's post, we were recently inspired by the Twilight series to go to Forks in Washington.
It was fun, but I have to say... Angie's been acting a little strange since we returned.
As Angie mentioned in today's post, we were recently inspired by the Twilight series to go to Forks in Washington.
It was fun, but I have to say... Angie's been acting a little strange since we returned.
LOL! Stunning photo, Greg
That's too funny! She looks lovely. :)
Well, you know, a little sparkle is perfect for the holiday season. ;)
She looks beautiful, and your photography is, as usual, stunning.
Ha ha, nice!!
Please do let us know if you think you are at any serious risk, Greg. You know we all love Angie, but we also love you!
Actually, those golden brown eyes look awesome on her.
hee hee :)
Haha! Have to say, Angie does look like she might sparkle like Edward if she should be hit by a sun ray...
Thank you for the concern! I'll definitely be sleeping with one eye open.
And of course, I have Rosie to protect me.
She's beautiful even when she's scary!
Yes, definitely keep Rosie close by just in case...
*very big chuckle*
(These photos caught me completely by surprise).
Rosie looks a bit concerned. Is she sensing something?
I love this thread! Although I haven't had a clue what Twilight is about (yes, I actually live under the rock), now I do - this thread has so many spoilers :-D
Such a beautiful photo of Angie, btw...
Hmmm, not sure if Rosie will be able to keep you safe, Greg, I'd consider stocking up on some extra garlic for around the house just to be sure:-)
(the redder lip is a nice touch too;-)
Hmmm, is Rosie hungry like a wolf?
Angie is stunning even when undead.
Haha ! Rosie looks more as if she is thinking, "Really, you think ANGIE is scary ? Really ? "
The only thing concerns me is that vampires and such dress awfully drab. This site could take on a whole other vibe if your hunch is correct , Greg .
I could have sworn Rosie was on Team Jacob, hmm my mistake.
Rosie's eyes looks very amber too. This thread is so cute.
Hmm not sure, maybe keep an eye out for Angie and Rosie. :) Stunning photos Greg!
Those disarming big brown eyes on Rosie say, DON'T mess with me. :-o
While Angie's eyes hint at having special powers... like she could get you to do anything.
Greg do you sometimes find yourself inexplicably carrying out the garbage? There you have it.
HeeHee, I don't know Greg. It looks like Rosie is on Angie's side.
Big smile!
Hey, you take field trips to the land of the undead, you're on your own with the potential repercussions.
Team Angie and Rosie!
Too funny, Greg. Thanks for the laugh and too bad you can't borrow Mr. Potter's cloak of invisibility for the night.
So, does that make you her Edward? :)
Hi, I'm Greg. I design and build I also do our photography and this blog is where I will post interesting photos that don't make it onto YLF.